Anti-Competitive Agreements Types: Understanding the Basics

Anti-competitive agreements are arrangements between businesses that are designed to restrict competition within a particular market. These agreements, which may take many different forms, are often illegal under antitrust laws, which are intended to safeguard competition and promote consumer welfare. In this article, we will discuss the different types of anti-competitive agreements and their implications for businesses and consumers.

Price-Fixing Agreements

Price-fixing agreements are perhaps the most well-known form of anti-competitive behavior. These are agreements between businesses to fix the prices of their goods or services at a certain level. This can be done through direct communication between the businesses, or through the use of an intermediary such as a trade association. Price-fixing agreements can result in higher prices for consumers and decreased competition within a market.

Market Division Agreements

Market division agreements are agreements between businesses to divide up a market or territory. Under these agreements, each business agrees to serve a particular area or market segment, and they agree not to compete with each other in those areas. This can result in decreased competition and higher prices for consumers.

Bid-Rigging Agreements

Bid-rigging agreements are agreements between businesses to manipulate the bidding process for contracts. Under these agreements, businesses will collude to submit bids that are higher than they would normally be, with the aim of ensuring that one of them wins the contract. This can result in higher costs for the contracting party, and decreased competition within the market.

Exclusive Dealing Agreements

Exclusive dealing agreements are agreements between businesses that require one party to buy all or most of its goods or services from the other party. This can restrict other businesses from entering the market or obtaining contracts, and can result in higher prices for consumers.

Tying Agreements

Tying agreements are agreements between businesses that require a customer to purchase one product in order to obtain another product. This can be used to leverage market power, and can result in reduced competition and higher prices for consumers.


Anti-competitive agreements can take many different forms, and can have serious implications for businesses and consumers alike. By understanding the different types of anti-competitive behavior, businesses can take steps to ensure that they are not engaging in illegal practices, and consumers can make informed choices about the goods and services they purchase. As a professional, you should ensure that articles on antitrust laws and anti-competitive agreements are easily accessible to businesses and consumers, and follow best practices for SEO optimization to reach the widest possible audience.